FLC Data Center - FLC Wage Search Wizard

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Data for 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2024 has been added to the download page and is effective 7/1/2023.

You have requested data for: New York

Select a Data Source:   ?

How Do I Choose Which Data Source To Use?

  • Under normal situations you are required to use the All Industries Database for the current time period. Changing the Data Source selection will update the list of occupations you can choose from.
  • Unless the employer qualifies under ACWIA, the All Industries Database must be used. Employers that qualify may use occupations and wages found in the ACWIA - Education Industry database.
  • Occupations designated R&D/NON R&D or ACWIA Only are found in the ACWIA database and may be used for employees of colleges and universities, and other firms exempted under ACWIA only. See the General Administration Letter 2-99 for more information. http://workforcesecurity.doleta.gov/foreign/txtdocs/gal2-99.txt

Select an area based on:    ?

What are Area Codes?

  • If the data used to calculate the wage estimate came from the actual MSA or BOS area the GeoLevel  code will equal "1".
  • If there were no releasable estimates for the desired area then the wages area for the area indicated plus its contiguous areas.  This is signified by a GeoLevel "2".
  • If there was no releasable estimates for the area, or for the area plus contiguous areas the wage is calculated from statewide data, indicated by a GeoLevel equaling "3".
  • Finally, if there is no releasable estimate for the state, the national average is used.  This is indicated by GeoLevel  "4".

Enter a keyword or phrase: ?

How can I improve my Keyword Searches?

  • The Search Wizard allows you either pick an occupation from the provided list, or to enter a keyword or phrase to find occupations that include that keyword.
  • A keyword search requires a minimum of 4 characters be entered.
  • If the keyword string exists in any part of the occupational title or description that occupation is listed as a match.
  • Sometimes better matches can be found if you leave the last few characters off of the keyword.  For instance, entering "secretar" rather than secretary provides better matches.


Select an occupation from the list: ?

What are Occupation Codes?

  • There are four main structures used to classify occupations that are referenced by the Online Wage Library.
  • The Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS) uses the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) for the collection of wage date.  OEWS/SOC codes are seven-digit codes in the format 99-9999.
  • The Online Wage Library cross-references OEWS/SOC codes to the O*NET occupational classification system.  O*NET is a superset of the SOC with some occupations broken out into more detail and identified by a two digit decimal extension to the SOC code.  For instance, the SOC occupation 11-1011: Chief Executives is subdivided by O*NET into the occupations 11-1011.00: Chief Executives, 11-1011.01 Government Service Executives and 11-1011.02: Private Service Executives.
  • O*NET occupational information is included in the Online Wage Library because it includes more detailed occupational definitions, as well as experience and training requirements.  The wages for the corresponding OEWS/SOC occupation apply to all of the related O*NET occupations.


The Foreign Labor Certification Data Center is developed and maintained by the State of Utah under contract with the US Department of Labor,
Office of Foreign Labor Certification
. Additional information can be found at: Office of Foreign Labor Certification.
Applications can be filed through the Foreign Labor Application Gateway.